In order to be best prepared for a career in the health field, I took an internship preparation course at Clemson University. During the course, I built my resume, contacted a source of professional interest and conducted an interview, and researched my future career interest.
This class helped me learn the basics of developing an intervention. I learned how to identify a target population and to tailor interventions to promote health behaviors. This included developing the framework of the intervention, scheduling, budgeting, and even developing materials such as flyers, brochures, and presentations. Click the links to the left to see a few examples of my work.
This class helped me to learn how to move from focusing at the individual level for health promotion to the community level. I learned how to critically evaluate a community through a needs assessment. I also learned the importance of using the strengths within a community. It is important to advocate for people and listen to their perspective of the problem. I also learned how to do a case study and the basics of writing grant proposals.
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Health Science Internship Preparation Seminar
Health Promotion and Program Planning
Improving Population Health
Click here to download my resume.
Click here to look at my interview with Shana Madden, Accountable Communities Coordinator with Clemson Cooperative Extension.
Click here to look at my presentation on a career and graduate programs of interest to me.
Click here to take a look at a sample presentation for 1 of 7 sessions during the intervention.
Click here to look at an overview of my intervention plan to increase preventive breast cancer screenings among American women 40 years old and older.
Community Health Promotion
Click here to view a summary of my Advocacy Project.
Click here to view my complete Community Health Assessment for Oconee County, South Carolina.
Click here to view my complete case study of the Healthy Outcome Plan (HOP) Program.
This class was pivotal in my education at Clemson. During this class, I gained a better concept of the changes in healthcare and the need for new types of health professionals. In order achieve lower healthcare costs, improved population health, and improved patient experience healthcare must continue to transition to a truly patient-centered focus. I learned how to continue to assess communities based on data and how to work with low-income, uninsured populations.
Click here to view a reflection presentation of a semester long project at Mountain Lakes Access Health.
Click here to view a summary of Low Birth Weight In Pickens County, South Carolina and an assessment of this health outcome in Pickens County.