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Health Science Internship
Internship Reflection
Public Health Determinants and Trends Project
In order to complete my degree in Health Science, I had to complete a relevant internship. I had the opportunity to be one of three students to be chosen from the Improving Population Health class to work in a brand new cooperative experience in a partnership with Clemson Extension and Greenville Health System (GHS) for a year. The opportunity was made possible through the unique partnership and a Duke Endowment grant. The purposes of the internship were to pilot how a true Health Science cooperative experience could work, pilot the responsibilities of a true Health Extension agent, and to work with a specific population to be used on a referral basis by GHS. I was able to satisfy my internship requirement during the Summer 2016 semester, and I will continue the cooperative work through May 2017.
Goal 1:
By the end of the fieldwork experience, I will be able to identify critical stakeholders for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health programs, policies, and interventions.
Goal 2:
By the end of the fieldwork experience, I will be able to create a nutrition fact sheet for a program working with children and parents in the community.
Goal 3:
By the end of the fieldwork experience, I will be able to identify health related needs within the community.
Summary of Internship Goals:
Click here for a complete list of the goals and objectives accomplished during my internship.

Team picture with my internship preceptor and fellow interns.
Click here for my full reflection on my internship experience.
My internship provided me with a unique, hands-on learning experience, an opportunity to use my education and coursework at Clemson, and the support and supervision to be creative. As a result of my internship, I feel that I have a new perspective on healthcare that is beneficial in the changing environment of the healthcare system. I was given the opportunity to learn how to work with a diverse population with unique barriers and life circumstances. I was able to learn more through my time working directly with the community and by shadowing respected professionals in the field than I could have ever thought possible during an internship.
Part of the internship required research and critical thinking to bring together my educational background and my experiences during my internship. This was brought together in a Public Health Determinants and Trends project which consists of three parts. The first was a paper analyzing how social determinants influence health and medical services specific to my internship site. The second is a paper analyzing the healthcare system structure and organization. The last is a paper specific to my Health Education and Promotion concentration that focuses on behavioral choices.
Click here to view my analysis of how the healthcare system is structured and organized in terms of my internship site.
Click here to view my analysis on the influence of personal behavior choices on services from my internship site.
Click here to view my analysis of the health effect of social determinants.
Click here to view a summary of my internship experience.